On October 25, 2022, the New Development Bank (NDB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance of China, hosted a workshop under the theme of “Scaling Up Development Finance for a Sustainable Future.”

The workshop explored how NDB can achieve its overarching objective of becoming a leading provider of solutions for infrastructure and sustainable development for emerging market economies and developing countries over the five-year strategy period of 2022-2026.

Following an opening session featuring opening remarks by Mr. Kun Liu, Minister of Finance of China and NDB’s Governor for China and opening remarks by Mr. Marcos Troyjo, President of NDB, the workshop had two moderated panels, focusing on “Mobilising Resources for Sustainable Development” and “Expanding Development Impact”, respectively.

The workshop was held in a mixed format:

  • In-person at NDB Headquarters in Shanghai (Visitor Centre, 401 Xueye Road, Pudong New District — Click to view the map)

  • Online via Zoom


Opening Session

H.E. Mr. Kun Liu

NDB’s Governor for China
Minister of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Marcos Troyjo

President of NDB

Panel I: Mobilising Resources for Sustainable Development

Mr. Qiangwu Zhou (Moderator)

Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer, NDB

Mr. Dongwei Wang

Vice Minister of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Anil Kishora

Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, NDB

Mr. Gustavo Montezano

President, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

Mr. Jonathan Woetzel

Director, McKinsey Global Institute

Prof. Jun Zhang

Dean, School of Economics, Fudan University

Panel II: Expanding Development Impact

Dr. Yu Ye (Moderator)

Deputy Director, Institute for World Economy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

H.E. Dr. Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri

Ambassador, the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Beijing

Mr. Bo Zhang

NDB’s Alternate Director for China
Deputy Director General, Center for Evaluation of the World Bank Loan Projects, Ministry of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

H.E. Mr. Assem Mohamed Hanafi

Ambassador, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Beijing

Mr. Leslie Maasdorp

Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, NDB

Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam

Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Beijing

Mr. Wencai Zhang

Vice President, the Export-Import Bank of China

Closing Session

Mr. Vladimir Kazbekov

Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, NDB

Workshop on Scaling Up Development Finance for a Sustainable Future

Tuesday, October 25, 2022
09:30 – 12:00 China Standard Time
Start Time
Agenda Items
Opening Session:

H.E. Mr. Kun Liu
NDB’s Governor for China
Minister of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Marcos Troyjo
President of NDB

Panel I: Mobilising Resources for Sustainable Development

NDB aims to bolster its role as a catalyst of support for addressing the evolving infrastructure and sustainable development needs of its member countries. Over the 2022–2026 strategy cycle, the Bank expects to provide USD 30 billion in funding from its balance sheet and to become an increasingly active player in mobilising capital from private sources. This panel will discuss possible initiatives and action plans that could be implemented by NDB to achieve its strategic objectives.

This panel will be moderated by Mr. Qiangwu Zhou, Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of NDB. Each panellist will have a 7-minute intervention:

Mr. Dongwei Wang

Vice Minister of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Anil Kishora

Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, NDB

Mr. Gustavo Montezano

President, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

Mr. Jonathan Woetzel

Director, McKinsey Global Institute

Prof. Jun Zhang

Dean, School of Economics, Fudan University

Group Photo and Coffee Break
Panel II: Expanding Development Impact

NDB’s success in fulfilling its mandate depends on the scale of development impact it delivers. Supporting infrastructure and sustainable development projects that bring development impact to its member countries and the international community will continue to be NDB’s overarching objective. This panel will discuss how NDB could expand its reach and impact by mainstreaming sustainability considerations, promoting the application of technology, ensuring inclusiveness in investments, expanding membership, strengthening partnerships, among other initiatives.

This panel will be moderated by Dr. Yu Ye, Deputy Director of Institute for World Economy Studies at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. Each panellist will have a 5-minute intervention, followed by Q&A:

H.E. Dr. Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri

Ambassador, the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Beijing

Mr. Bo Zhang

NDB’s Alternate Director for China

Deputy Director General, Center for Evaluation of the World Bank Loan Projects, Ministry of Finance, the People’s Republic of China

H.E. Mr. Assem Mohamed Hanafi

Ambassador, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Beijing

Mr. Leslie Maasdorp

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, NDB

Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam

Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Beijing

Mr. Wencai Zhang

Vice President, the Export-Import Bank of China

Closing Session

Mr. Vladimir Kazbekov

Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, NDB

Tour Visit

• Visit of NDB’s Headquarters Building

Buffet Lunch

If you have any queries, please contact us at registration@ndb.int and we will be happy to help.
For media enquiries, please contact media@ndb.int.