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Project Name Liaoning Environmentally Sustainable Urban Development Project
Country  The People’s Republic of China
Sector  Multiple Areas
Concept Approval Date October 17, 2022
Total Project Cost Around RMB 2 billion
Proposed Loan Amount Up to USD 200 million equivalent
Borrower The People’s Republic of China
Project Entity The People’s Government of Liaoning Province (Executing Agency)

The People’s Government of Anshan Municipality (Implementing Agency)

The People’s Government of Lingyuan Municipality (Implementing Agency)

Project Context The Project will be implemented in Liaoning Province, one of the first industrialized provinces in China, to tackle typical urban development problems in the region – deteriorated water bodies, inadequate urban connectivity and recurrent urban flooding. Solution to these problems is critical to ensure transformation of these cities from “old industrial bases” into new urban agglomerations attractive to talents and new businesses, and to set their development on a sustainable path. Two steel cities have been selected by the provincial government to participate in the Project – Anshan and Lingyuan.
Project Objective The objective of the Project is to support river restoration and ecological protection, as well as urban connectivity enhancement and associated urban flooding reduction in the participating cities.
Project Description The Project comprises the following two components:

The Component I in Anshan will (i) construct riverside ecological parks with “sponge city” features to control contaminated urban runoff; (ii) rehabilitate drainage systems and separating sewage and stormwater, (iii) dredge riverbed sediments to restore Nansha River’s ecological and environmental functions, (iv) upgrade pumping stations, and (v) establish a smart drainage management platform.

The Component II in Lingyuan will (i) expand and upgrade the urban road network and ancillary infrastructure, including lighting systems along the roads, to increase mobility and safety, (ii) upgrade the city’s drainage system to prevent urban flooding, and (iii) establish a smart municipal infrastructure management system.