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Project Name Anhui Tongling G3 Road-Rail Bridge Project
Country  The People’s Republic of China
Area of Operation Transport Infrastructure
Concept Approval Date 17 December 2021
Board Approval Date 13 December 2022
Total Project Cost RMB 8,700 million
Initial Limit of NDB Financing
RMB 2,190 million
Current Limit of NDB Financing
RMB 2,190 million
Borrower The People’s Republic of China
Project Entity
Executing agency: The People’s Government of Anhui Province

Implementing agency: The People’s Government of Tongling Municipality

Project Context Anhui Province has formulated a plan to improve connectivity in the region by 2030 through the development and reinforcement of a network of highways and railways. While the core components of this network are already in place, the network does not fully support economic and social needs as some of its segments are saturated due to rapid traffic growth. A key component of the plan is the re-enforcement of Yangtze River crossing channels.
Project Objective The Project will provide an additional Yangtze River crossing channel to meet increasing traffic demand and alleviate congestion on the existing bridge that supports the G3 Expressway, which runs from the north to south of China, and planned railway routes.
Project Description The Project will be in Tongling City, Anhui Province, and involves the construction of:

  • a two-way six-lane expressway and ancillary facilities (i.e. a toll station, a service area centre, a maintenance work area and other related service and safety facilities) on the upper deck,
  • infrastructure to support four railway tracks. on the lower deck
  • approaching roads, starting in Huayuan village and ending in Minzhu village, which will connect to the bridge.

The bridge will be the world’s first road-rail layered cable-stayed suspension bridge, to use cross section stay cables and slings. The Project will utilise the latest technology to shorten the construction period and reduce the impact thereof on the environment.

Expected Benefits The Project will contribute to the development of Anhui and the wider Yangtze River Delta (which has a population of over 235 million) as envisaged by the Layout Plan of Yangtze River Trunk Line River-Crossing Passages (2020-2035).

The Project is expected to result in a significant reduction in road travel time across the Yangtze River within the Yangtze River Delta region.

Environmental and Social Aspect The Project has been classified as Category A in accordance with the NDB’s Environment and Social Framework.

The main E&S impacts of the Project include: (i) effects on critical habitats and aquatic biological resources of the national protected area, the Tongling Yangtze River Dolphin National Natural Reserve (ii) land acquisition and resettlement; (iii) loss of vegetation; (iv) occupational safety risks; and (v) general environmental pollution emissions during construction and operation.

Adherence to country system requirements and management plans developed for the Project, including an Aquatic Life Conservation Plan and an Environmental and Social Impact Management Plan will address and mitigate these impacts.

Financing Aspect The Project will be financed through a loan from the NDB, debt from domestic banks and counterparty funding from government.
Source of Fund Amount (RMB million)
Domestic Lenders
Counterparty funds
Implementation The People’s Government of Anhui Province will be responsible for planning the Project and exercising oversight over the implementation and monitoring achievement of targets.

The People’s Government of Tongling Municipality, through its wholly owned company, the Tongling Comprehensive Transportation Investment Group (TCTIG) which acts as a project implementing unit, will be responsible for implementing the Project under the guidance of the Executing Agency. TCTIG has established Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Investments Co., Ltd (Project Company) a wholly owned subsidiary, through which day-to-day implementation activities will be undertaken.

The construction period of the Project is from 2022 to 2025, operations will commence in 2026.

Contacts NDB Borrower Implementing Agency

Public Sector Department

Charmaine Kazamula

Ministry of Finance

Biao Guo

Implementing Agency

Chenglong He