Independent Evaluation Office


The Role of Independent Evaluation for Enhanced Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency

The second IEO lecture focused on the role of independent evaluation for enhanced organizational effectiveness and efficiency was held on 12 January 2023. Mr. Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) – a specialized agency of the United Nations and International Financial Institution – delivered a keynote statement as guest speaker at the second IEO lecture. His intervention was followed by remarks by the NDB President, Mr. Marcos Prado Troyjo.


Independent Evaluation Stakeholders’ Workshop
9 December 2022, New Delhi

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) concluded its first evaluation, of the NDB-financed Madhya Pradesh Major District Roads Project in India. As part of the evaluation process, a Stakeholders’ Workshop was held in New Delhi on 9 December 2022 to discuss the results, lessons, and recommendations from the evaluation. The evaluation was also discussed in the NDB Board of Directors on 13 December, along with NDB Management Response. About 100 persons attended the workshop both in person and virtually.

DOWNLOAD: Concept Note and Agenda | Power Point Presentation

Evaluation for a Heightened Impact from the NDB

The first lecture focused on Evaluation for a Heightened Impact from the NDB was held on 30 August 2022.

The NDB President delivered opening remarks, which was followed by a keynote speech delivered by guest speaker Mr. Vinod Thomas. Mr. Thomas is an international authority in development and evaluation and held very senior positions in the Asian Development Bank and World Bank.

DOWNLOAD: Agenda | Presentation

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