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BRICS Bank to Begin Funding of Projects from April : Kamath



Shanghai: The New Development Bank (NDB) set up by the BRICS countries will approve one project from each member nation in April followed by finalisation of about 10 to 15 projects, mostly green energy ventures, its President K V Kamath said on Friday.

Addressing media in the Communist giant’s financial hub ahead of signing of the bank’s headquarters agreement with China on Saturday, Kamath said the NDB will commence funding by finalising a project from each of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries in April 2016.

Board of Governors of the NDB, said the initial funding for the projects will be confined to the BRICS countries who have submitted a number of projects for consideration – mainly infrastructure and green energy projects.

The bank commenced its operations with initial subscribed capital of USD 50 billion with total paid of USD 10 billion. The founding members of the bank have already brought in capital of USD one billion as initial contribution, a press release issued by the bank said.

Ruling out lending in concessional terms, Kamath said, “we will not be lending at concessional terms. This is not intention at all. We need to factor in cost of funds and add approbate margin and then lend.”

“The cost of funds will be determined by our actual experience in the market. So we will function like a prudent bank should. Figure out cost of funds and add appropriate margin and lend. That is basis with which we will do business,” he said. “We will be resorting to bond issues and raise local currencies where ever it is feasible. Of course where it is required we will supplement with dollar bond issues,” he said responding to question.

The NDB is also strategising its linkages and coordination with the China backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which has taken off with with 57 members including India to avoid overlapping of interests.

“Certain areas of NDB and AIIB coincides therefore we agreed to make sure that the activities of our bank and sister bank should not overlap,” Siluanaov said.