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Project Name Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project
Country The Republic of India
Sector  Multiple Areas
Concept Approval Date 18 September 2021
Board Approval Date 18 July 2022
Total Project Cost INR 7.3 billion
Loan Amount USD 79.05 million
Borrower The Republic of India
Project Entities
Executing agency: Government of Meghalaya (GoM)

Implementing agency: Meghalayan Age Limited

Project Context Meghalaya is a hilly state endowed with significant ecotourism potential, including virgin forests (76% of the total area), ample riverine systems, scenic topography, and many natural attractions.

To sustain the economic growth, the Government of Meghalaya is planning to focus on promoting the tourism sector. Tourism is a multi-sectoral activity and has the capacity to stimulate different sectors of the economy, unlocking opportunities for economic development, poverty alleviation and income generation. The sector is also labour-intensive, thereby presenting a wide spectrum of job opportunities for the skilled/unskilled workforce and benefits micro, small and medium enterprises.

Development of tourism sector in Meghalaya is however hindered by lack of adequate infrastructure.

Project Objective The objective of the Project is to construct infrastructure to promote tourism in Meghalaya, leading to development of 5 ecotourism circuits, identified by the GoM.
Project Description The Project will cover; i) construction of nine tourism/ecotourism attractions, (ii) development of high value and rural accommodation at strategic locations to increase the length of stay of tourists (323 accommodation units), (iii) construction of connecting infrastructure to improve access to the tourist attraction points (construction of 114 kilometres of roads and bridges, and Shillong Peak ropeway), and (iv) institutional capacity building and project management.
Expected Benefits The Project will result in increase in domestic and international tourists in Meghalaya with a longer average length of stay and direct employment opportunities for more than 1,400 people during operational phase.

The Project will lead to development of ecotourism, in line with the National Tourism Policy of India, leading to increased contribution of the tourism sector for sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Meghalaya. The Project will also contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions through replacement of road travels by the ropeway.

Environmental and Social Aspect The Project has been classified as Category B in accordance with the NDB Environment and Social Framework (ESF). The main environmental and social impacts include using community land for infrastructure development, diversion of forest land, likely impact on indigenous people, and occupational and community health and safety during Project implementation.

Adherence to the country system and implementation of environmental and social (E&S) management plans, including the E&S Impact Management Plan, will minimize and mitigate above mentioned impacts, as envisaged by the requirements of NDB’s ESF.

Financing Aspect The Project will be financed through loan from NDB and counterpart funding from GoM.
Source of Fund Amount
USD 79.05 million
INR 1.46 billion
Implementation The Project will be completed by the end of 2026. GoM will be the Executing agency and Meghalayan Age Limited will be the Implementing agency.
Contacts NDB Borrower Implementing Agency
Public Sector Department

Mukund Kumar

Ministry of Finance of
Government of India

Jitender Singh

Meghalayan Age Limited

Cyril V. D. Diengdoh