Data and Documents
Welcome to NDB’s Corporate Procurement web page, which has been designed to provide entrance and useful information to interested suppliers in relation to corporate procurement.
The procurement management in NDB is guided by NDB’s Corporate Procurement Policy/Guidelines, which covers procurement of services, works and goods including both hardware and software of information technology intended for NDB’s own use. The Policy upholds the following six principles of good procurement as essential to facilitate efficient and economic use of NDB resources: Economy, Efficiency, Competition, Transparency, Value for Money and Fit for Purpose.
NDB prepares corporate procurement plan and discloses the high value ones on its website to enhance to achieve better procurement outcomes, and conducts procurement in an environment that promotes competition among eligible suppliers.
Open competitive bidding is open to all eligible suppliers. Limited competitive bidding and other procurement methods are open to invited suppliers, preferably from those registered in the supplier registration system of NDB. If you are interested in NDB’s corporate procurement opportunities, please visit NDB’s e-procurement system (NDBEPS).
Please find NDB general terms and conditions for procurement contracts and NDB template for service agreement in Chinese, Portuguese and Russian for your reference.
For purposes of meaning or interpretation of the contract, the English language shall govern.
The Service Agreement should be signed in English.
NDB General Terms and Conditions for Procurement Contracts-Chinese
NDB Template for Services Agreement-Chinese
NDB General Terms and Conditions for Procurement Contracts-Portuguese
NDB Template for Services Agreement-Portuguese
NDB General Terms and Conditions for Procurement Contracts-Russian
NDB Template for Services Agreement-Russian
Express of Interest for Surface Pro 7